Please if anyone could translate this marriage record.

Locorotondo Angelantonio, Lorita Pezzola 1852 marriage Aberobello.
Please join the Community group where the marriage record originated, (the Location). There will be a group of researchers in that group who speak the language and can help you with the translation. Good Luck with your research, Sister Whicker
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here is the link to the Italian group
you dont necessairly have to join their group - but you can post your question there and they will be happy to help. They are people who are focused on Italian research.
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Google Italian to English and use the translation tool.
That said. I click on the Antenati image and I can see it clearer. This is about the Banns
- Marriage banns declared and read three times, usually a week apart, in Sunday mass or three days of public worship (read aloud because the bulk of the population could not read).
Banns also written and posted in front of the parish church.
15 February 1852 Alberobello [I can't make out the district - Altanium? and Google isn't coming up with anything] The witnesses attest that the following notification was posted.
Angelantonio Locotondo [Not sure what this word is. It is not bachelor or widower.] age 38 profession farmer son of Scartinantino[?] [Locotondo] living in this community and Teresa Fauro [could be Tauro]
and Lorita Pezzola [that word again, must mean single] living in this community age 25 daughter of Francesco [Pezzola] and Pasqua Gigate
solemnly promise to celebrate their marriage before the church according to the forms prescribed by the Sacred Council of Trent.
Done in Alberobello on 1 February 1852 and it was done for the required three days.