I have a letter from my great great grandfather written in Danish. Is there a way to get it transla
@carolknapp1 carolknapp1 I'd be willing to try to transliterate the Gothic script into today's alphabet. I'm not sure I know Danish well enough to translate it though.
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I found a long time acquaintance of my husband who is first generation danish. He feels like he will be able to translate the letter. The one concern that he does have is the transliteration. I will attempt to send you a scan. I am very new at this!
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Hi #[carolknapp1 carolknapp1] ,
How long is the letter? Can you upload a page for the group to see a sample of the handwriting? It will help us to understand the level of difficulty.
Thanks, Geoff
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Melanie, here is a scan of the letter.
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d 22-808 Copenhagen Frederiksberg
Dear Annie and Carl!
Your letter received and seen the grievous news that my beloved and precious son and your dear and good husband and little Carl's father [i.e., the writer's son, Annie's husband, Carl's father, named Charly] have been killed in such a tragic way. You cannot believe how taken by grief I was when two gentlemen of your faith and mission came and informed me of your tragic letter about and your husband's unhappy incident. For me it is a great sorrow, and for you an even greater sorrow. It is painful (heavy/difficult) for two people who love each other to be separated, and for little Carl, who will no longer have a father. But let us hope that he is home with the Almighty and loving God and Father, who will care for you and Carl. Charly was of a good and loving character with a good desire to work, and that proves, after all, that he had to travel away from home, from wife and child, and has set his life to earn the coming of Eden. But in the scriptures it reads that we are in danger where we go. Now it was destined for Charly that he should die during his enterprise. He has seemingly not suffered any though it is a great sorrow to both of us, but we trust our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be with us, that we with faith in him, and he will then give us power to bear our great sorrow with patience, and that we will once again be assembled with all our loved ones who have passed away into a better life than that which is found here on Earth. Charly traveled at age 18 from his beloved home on 15 July and died on 15 July after having been in America for 15 years. My relatives very much share in your grief, dear daughter-in-law and Carl. To conclude, I want to say a prayer to the Heavenly Father that he will bless you and your loved ones at home.
[signature not included in scan]
Godthaabsvej 20-b 2 Sal th
d 22-808 Copenhagen F.
Kære Annie og Carl!
Deres Brev modtaget og seer
De sørgelig Efterretninger at min
elskede og dyrebare Søn og Deres
Kjære og gode Mand og Fader
til lille Carl er bleven dræbt
paa saadan en ulykkelig
Maade. De kan ikke troe
vorledes jeg blev medtage af
Sorg da to Herre af Derr troe
og Miscion kom og meddel
mig deres sørgelig Brev angaaen-
de og deres Husbond ulykkelig
hændelse for mig er det en
stor Sorg og for Dem om støre
Det er tung at skilles for
2 Mennesker som elsker
hverandre og lille Carl som
ingen Fader have mere.
Men lad os haabe at han
er hjem hos den almægte og
kjærlig Gud og Fader som vil
sørge for Dem og Carl. Charly
han var en god og kjærlig
Natur med god lyst til at
virke og det Beviser jo ogsaa
at han matte Reise ud fra
hjemmet fra Hustru og Barn
og har tilsat sit Liv for
at fortjene til Edens udkom
Men der staa i Skiften vi gaar
i Fare vor vi gaae nu var det
bestemt for Charly at han
skulde død under sin
Virksomhed han har vist ikke
lidt noget en det er en stor
Sorg for os begge men
vi stoler paa vor Herre og
Frelser Jesu Kristus at han vil
være med os at vi med Tro
paa ham og han vil give saa
Kraft til at bære vor store Sorg
med Taalmodighed og at vi
en gang skal samles med
alle vors Kjære som er gaa for-
ud til Det bedre liv ind det
her paa Jorden findes.
Charly Reiste som 18 Aar gamle
fra sidt kjære hjeme 15 Juli og
døde 15 Juli efter at have været
i Amerka 15 Aar mine
Slægtninger er meget delagtig
i Deres Sorg Kjære Svigerdatter
og Carl. Nu til slut vel jeg
bede en Bøn til den Himelske
Fader at han vel velsigne Dem
og Deres Kjære i Hjemmet.