you listed my mother Muriel Childers as a child of Charles Bailey and Jesse.Hill She is nott

For starters ...
DO NOT panic ...
Well, not yet anyway ...
IF, you are referring to "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch''; and, your Mother is "Deceased"; THEN ...
'FamilySearch' has not done anything, like that.
That would have been done by another User/Patron.
As an aside ...
Please just make certain that you are not looking at ANOTHER, "Muriel CHILDERS", who IS, in fact, the Daughter of, "Charles BAILEY" and "Jesse HILL".
There could be many individuals/persons, who are actually different people, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', with the Name of "Muriel CHILDERS", all around the World - Names are certainly NOT unique.
Now ...
That said ...
IF, you are 100% certain that the "Muriel CHILDERS" that you are looking at/referring to, is (in fact) your Mother; and, she is associated with the INCORRECT Patents; THEN, as a "Registered" User/Patron of 'FamilySearch', you yourself can correct that.
But ...
That said ...
Please make certain (100%) that you are not looking at/referring to ANOTHER, "Muriel CHILDERS", who IS, in fact, the Daughter of, "Charles BAILEY" and "Jesse HILL" - NOT being your Mother.
Please be aware, that people (Users/Patrons) make MISTAKES ...
We are certainly NOT "Perfect" ... NONE of us.
Whereas ...
IF, you are referring to individuals/persons who are listed on (the Various) "Records"; THEN, that is another matter entirely ...
IF, you need help/assistance; THEN, please advise.
Users/Patrons HELPING Users/Patrons ...
Is what the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum is all about ...
I hope this helps.
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Review the recent changes, and select to see the entire change log and see who added the parents. You can contact that person if you wish or just make the changes to her parents and add sources and documents. The tree is collaborative and everyone can make it better and fix things that may not be correct.