How can I find posts or questions that I have posted previously? Thanks, Jan Tropp
@JanTropp JanTropp
Provided that you are referring to 'Questions'/'Posts'/'Polls' within this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum [or, the (New) "IDEAS" ('Feedback') Forum, for 'FamilySearch'] ...
Good question ...
Answer: NOT always, easy; or, straight forward ...
Firstly ...
They used to be on 'left-hand-side' of the page/screen under "My Questions".
But, they DO NOT seem to be there, any more.
Secondly ...
You can see 'Some' (but, for whatever reason, NOT All); by, selecting your "Contact Name" (also, "Portrait").
Thirdly ...
You can even try "Search" with your "Contact Name" ... JanTropp
[ ie. that "Search" 'Box', towards the TOP 'right-hand-side' of the page/screen ]
As far as I am aware, the latter should give you a complete list of, not only those 'Questions'/'Posts'/'Polls' you raised; but, ALSO those you "Answered".
Finally ...
There may be another (or, even, other) ways ...
Whereas ...
As to the (New) "IDEAS" ('Feedback') Forum, for 'FamilySearch' ...
Those "Ideas"/"Praise", that YOU post personally, they are on 'left-hand-side' of the page/screen under "My Ideas"
I hope this helps.
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@JanTropp JanTropp - On a computer, if you look at the upper righthand corner of the page, a red dot by the bell indicates a question has been answered. You could also search for a specific phrase or name in the search bar near the bell.
Also, if you click on your picture beside the bell, the questions & responses that you have been active on will show in a list called Activity.
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Perfect! Thanks, I gave it a try also.