How do we learn details of "campaigns" offered by FamilySearch?
I stumbled upon two campaigns:
Take a look at the above links.
Are there other "campaigns"?
How/where do I find them?
in the "Patrons" campaign, it would be helpful to add a box next to each ward member's name. Thus, if I have made contact with the member, I can check the box (so other's don't repeat).
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That would be great to coordinate in a ward T&FH coordination meeting, perhaps splitting up the names between members of that group (whether the ward/branch consultants or even the EQ and RS presidency), thereby assuring that everyone gets contacted, but that there aren't multiple unnecessary contacts. After a political season filled with unending robo-calls (especially here in Georgia!!!), we certainly don't need to be doing family history robo-emails LOL! 😁 At the same time, a personal email or phone call from a consultant or even quorum or RS presidency member might be quite welcome and even motivating, particularly now with so little social interaction for the past 10 months.
I doubt the central Church system (in this case the Family History Department/FamilySearch) is set up to be able to keep track of who's been contacted at a local level and who hasn't, so I suspect that tracking will need to be done at the ward/branch level. If this was something that was somehow integrated with the LCR system that clerks use for tracking such things as recommend renewals, ministering contacts, etc., it could be done. But this is a completely different system, and would likely require considerable programming to pull off.
Good thought though, to avoid multiple contacts that could get irritating or at least be unnecessary for some people.
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With respect to the "Memories" campaign, I suspect the word "campaign" refers to something FamilySearch is doing with and for FamilySearch account holders - in other words, their own campaign to reach out to account holders with some potentially motivating information about their families, hoping to both help them and inspire them to do further research. I'm not sure this one is something we - at our levels - can directly do much with.
BUT - the idea of helping motivate members to do more than just find names/dates/places/events, and also look for details of peoples' lives - that is something that can and should be promoted at the ward/branch level, and it could be a separate "campaign" at that level as well as what FamilySearch is doing. As we talk with people in our wards/branches, we could always ask if they ever get little surprise emails about their family from FamilySearch. I know that when I clicked on the link you provided, it populated the page with one of my grandmothers and her information in some detail.
That could be a wonderful motivator to be used at the local level. Ward/branch T&FH consultants could invite each member to click on that same "Memories" campaign URL you provided so they can see what FamilySearch may have in store for them. And even if there's not enough yet in FamilySearch initially, that could be the spark for a conversation about the importance of using the "Memories" section of each person's Person page.
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Good question RJ. But unfortunately the only way to find these campaigns is as you said, to stumble across them.
For example, a link like would be instructive, but instead merely shows tons of white space.
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Good question RJ. But unfortunately the only way to find these campaigns is as you said, to stumble across them.
For example, an intuitive link like would be instructive, but instead merely shows tons of white space.
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Many of the campaigns are found here:
The funny thing about campaigns is not all campaigns apply to all people. Some are church specific while others apply to a very few people. The Discovery link above takes all of that into account and shows you the campaigns that apply to you. If you know of a campaign and would like the link, let me know, I can find it for you.
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Thank you