Transcription/translation of birth record
Transcription/translation of birth record
I am looking for the birth record of my ancestor Ledeczky József. He married Hujber Katalin in 1850, Gönyü, Hungary. According to their marriage record he was 25 years old, a stage-coachman, and his parents were Ledeczky Tamás (Thomas Ledecky?), a miller in Eisgrub, and Stefácsek Erzsébet (Elisabetha Štefáček?).
In this birth record from Lednice the date, place and given names seem right, but I have trouble deciphering anything else. Are the family names what I am looking for? What happened in 1849? What's written below the father's and mother's names?
Thank you in advance!
The 1849 date is when a baptismal certificate was sent (likely so he could be married in a different parish). You have the names of the parents correct. Elisabeth's father is also mentioned as Stephan Stefáček, also from Eisgrub. The word below the two men is usually an occupation, but I can't find it in any word lists. A German expert may know it, or another record may have a clearer version of it.
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Thank you for your help!
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