
"Not Yet Tagged" ???
How many of you have uploaded many items to FamilySearch Memories Galleries/Albums - that have not YET been "person tagged" (linked to the person that the item corresponds to)
Are such items - items for which the "content" of the entity is self explanatory as to who it needs to be linked to? (such as a family bible, death/birth certificate, or similar items - where the details of who the item pertains to are intrinsic in the item itself.
Here is an idea:
Use the TOPIC TAG option to topic tag the item as "NOT YET TAGGED" as well as other tags that indicate what type of item it is and maybe a tag to indicate what "project name" it belongs to.
Then you can share this information with others in your extended family and others - and they can help you tag the item to the correct person(s). Anyone can person-tag an item - it doesnt have to be the person who posted the item.
The Family Bible Preservation Project - has been using similar principles to use "crowd sourcing" and tagging thousands of family bibles that needed to be tagged to the family they belonged to. It has been a group effort.
You can do something similar.
and depending on the type of item - I may even be able to help you find people interested in tagging the items.
You can also use ALBUMS and share the album URL with those tagging the item.
Share with us examples of items you have uploaded to FS Memories - that have not yet been tagged - and lets see what we can do collaboratively to ensure such items get tagged,
here is an example of items under the tag "Not Yet Tagged"
@Family Bibles
@France Genealogy Research
@Germany Genealogy Research
@British Isles Family History Research
@Tips para Historia Familiar
@Nanney Family Genealogy
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@Shirley Family Genealogy
@How to Use FamilySearch Community
@How Things Work
@Surname Specific Family History Research
@Kendall One-Name Study & DNA Project
@Cass / Case Family Group