What does "Needs more information" mean?

@Kurt Weiland
The term, "Needs More Information", relates to "Temple" Work, by Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church, for our Ancestors/Relatives; and, is found on our "Temple" 'Tab'.
These should provide you with the necessary advice ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch'
In Family Tree, what does "Needs more information" mean?
How do I format names to avoid the "Needs more information" error when reserving ordinances?
What words and abbreviations cause "Needs more information" to appear?
Can a child be sealed to parents when one of the parent’s names is unknown?
I hope this helps.
Remember: It could be something simple as:
▬ NO 'Gender' (eg. 'Unknown'); or,
▬ 'Name' (eg. 'Invalid' Characters or Word); or.
▬ NO "Vital" record (eg. 'Birth'; 'Death')
▬ 'Date'/'Place' (eg. Missing; or, NOT "Standardised"); or,
▬ NO Parents; or, ONLY One Parents;
▬ NO Spouse
▬ Spouses missing required information