Well I guess that depends what precisely you mean by "open my family tree and add it to my desktop". Note that most items on your desktop - are programs that are installed and running on your local computer - whereas FamilySearch is really running "In the cloud" - being accessed by your computer via its browser.
None the less there actually is a way to create a shortcut link on your computer that links to FamilySearch - and to a specific person recorded in FamilySearch.
First of all note that when you navigate FamilySearch - the URL of your browser will change as you navigate from person to person or record to record. This means that you have the ability to bookmark or otherwise keep track of a given URL and go back to it from a copy of that URL.
here for example is a URL of a fanchart for my parents.
I can use this URL to create a new desktop shortcut that points to a URL that would be opened by my browser. First select and copy - any URL from FamilySearch you want to create a book mark from and then go to your desktop and right click on an open area
and click "New" and "Shortcut" and when a popup appears for you to type in a "location" - simply paste the URL into the field and click Finish
you will notice a new icon on your desktop - that uses the ICON for your default browser - you may need to rename the icon as appropriate.
and now you have an icon on your desktop that links to your browser and to a page in FS. Note that if you are not logged in to FS - it will first prompt you to log on.
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That depends on, the "Operating System"; and, the "Browser", you are using ...
I use, "Windows" (version 10); and, mainly, 'Google' "Chrome"; or, sometimes, 'Mozilla' "FireFox" (and, in a 'pinch', 'Microsoft' "Edge") - the latest versions of each.
Just create a "Desk Top" Icon; and, use the URL =
Works just fine in ALL of the aforementioned.
Regarding "Browsers", here is a 'Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch":
Which internet browsers are compatible?
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Another option is simply using the BOOKMARK option in your browser
you could create more than one bookmark for any people that you got to on a continual /periodic basis.
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Right click mouse
Click add to desktop
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If only it were so simple :-)
I suspect that you will be waiting a LONG time for the 1.3 Billion names in the FamilySearch FamilyTree to download from the website to your desktop. Also it is possible that you might even run out of memory long before they are all downloaded! (and I'm pretty sure that you don't want all of those unproven 10th, 20th, and 30th cousins in it, even though they ARE technically part of "your tree")
Now if you had a FS certified tool like Ancestral Quest or RootsMagicon your PC or Mac, you can pick and choose exactly which parts of the FamilySearch FamilyTree that you would like to download to a database on your PC or Mac. At that point you could put the AQ database on your desktop. Or, you could make a .PDF report or chart of the tree and leave that .pdf file on your desktop.
Even simpler, If by "Tree" you are mainly referring to your Ancestors only and not all of their descendants, You could go to the FSFT as viewed from your own record and display the Fan Chart. Under options, you can print that chart out. Most PCs and Macs have the ability to "Print to File". You would then have a file containing that tree on your desktop.
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I think both the original poster as well as the responder - just meant to add a link to their desktop that points to the tree inside FS - not download the entire tree
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Since the Original Poster hadn't responded yet, and since the original impression *I* got was that they wanted something on their desktop (i.e., something that they can get at and view even when the internet or FamilySearch is inaccessible), I thought I'd toss in my 2 cents worth 😃
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here is a video about creating desktop shortcuts
note however instead of typing in the web address from scratch by hand
rather you would first select and copy with your mouse the web address of familysearch or the page within FamilySearch that you want to link to.
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the purpose of the desktop is to create shortcut links you can get to with ease and save manual steps in getting to a program or location - similar to a bookmark. they never used the word "download",
it is - as easy as right clicking and creating a link.
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Lora couldn't find this thread and sent the following to me so I'm posting it here with my comment:
"ok so you can't right click and save, but one can screen shot or snip and save."
They certainly can. Taking image clips of something to put on your desktop is pretty easy. But as you can see in the above discussions, the Original Poster never made it clear as to what exactly they wanted on their desktop. Was it just a screen shot? A link to the FSFT? A pedigree chart? Or a full copy of all the persons in her part of the FSFT?
Since no one had actually discussed the last choice I mentioned, and since the Original Poster still had not clarified this, I was really just adding my response to the others given :-)
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The cool thing about creating desktop links like this, is that you can easily use one link to create a l9nk to another person. The pattern of the URL is that the last section is the ancestor’s ID. What I have done in the past is to copy one of these URL’s and save it in a note on my desktop. Then when I want to get to a specific ancestor, and I know the ID, all Imhave to do is edit the note by replacing the ID section and copying that to my browser. It’s a nice way to quickly create multiple links.
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and it really IS - just as easy as a "right click"