Does a person need to be logged in as Administrator for all software updates to occur for Windows 7

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Assuming you're referring to FHC computers:
As it was explained to me, some updates will successfully come through while logged on as "Patron." In order to get some of the FamilySearch updates we need to also open the Portal Page in FamilySearch ( But to get all updates we should be logged in as "Administrator."
The guidance that was put out by FamilySearch tech support back at the beginning of the COVID shutdown in March was to log in as "Administrator" about every two weeks, and also open the portal page. Then wait about 20-30 minutes and shut down again (updates should have been received in that time period if available - not every computer will receive all updates at the same time).
We've done that in our FHC every 2-3 weeks, had a few minor glitches on one or two computers with some Microsoft updates, but overall it's been fairly straight forward and easy - just a bit of "babysitting" time with the computers while we wait for the updates to occur in the background. When we go to shut down, sometimes it will indicate in the shutdown options that there is an update to be completed either through an "update and shutdown" or "update and restart" option. And occasionally it will require multiple restarts before an update is completed. I've learned (while the FHC remains closed) to simply choose "update and shut down" and go home once the shutdown occurs. There MAY still be some residual processing required the next time you start the computer, but if you're doing something else you'll never even know it's happening in the background and it will likely be completed before you shut down again.
I'm also tagging this to @FHC Technical Support (North America) . That is the most authoritative group within the Community for this type of question and it will be seen by the senior FamilySearch technical support people. It's a private group only for those with specific assignments in Family History Centers or for stake tech support people, but I believe any answer there will also come back here in case you aren't a member of that group. Assuming you know how to log in as Administrator to a FHC computer, then I'd assume you are also either a stake tech support person or else a FHC leader - in which cases it would be advantageous for you to request membership in that group.
Hope that helps.
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Note: Some Microsoft updates are "rollup" updates which may take longer to download and install than 30 minutes and may require multiple reboots. Occasionally running "Check Updates" manually will show if there are any pending updates that have not been run with the normal process. "Check Updates" can be easily found by clicking on the magnifying glass in the task bar just to the right of the Windows button. Then search for "updates." Check Updates will show up and it can be clicked on to run it. If it runs and shows that the computer is up to date, then the regular process has been successful. If it shows updates to be installed, then the update process can be "babysat."
@davidalexanderchipman1 davidalexanderchipman1
Hello, Are you asking for information for a Family History Center?
I'm tagging. @All Temple & Family History Consultants They might help.
Thank you.
@Anitra Whittle
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Thank You very much for clarifying.