I want my college students to make family trees. I need to verify that they have at least 25 people

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No. @FamilySearch Family Tree is a one-world-tree. In other words it is a single tree with all of us attached to our inter-connected ancestors. If you and I have the same great-great-grandfather, we both appear as descendants of that single ancestor. However, because of privacy laws, FamilySearch Family Tree allows living individuals to only be viewed by the person that enters that information. That means, even if you are my sister, I cannot see your personal record and you cannot see mine. If our parents are alive, then there would be at least two copies of their individual record in FamilySearch Family Tree--the parents that you see and the ones that I see.
However, deceased individuals are a different story. All deceased individuals are visible to everyone who has logged in to FamilySearch. So, if your students are working on a tree that is exclusively deceased individuals, they could send you a link (or just the ID number) for an individual and you would be able to look at that individual and evaluate the research.
The problem with this remains that anyone could jump in at any time and make changes to any of those deceased individuals that your students might be working on. Collaboration is a great thing in researching family history, but it might not serve well for your students to showcase their own research ability. You might consider one of the third-party programs listed at the Family Tree Management section of the Solutions Gallery. Your students would be able to enter all of their tree information and attach sources and images, etc and then submit a digital copy of their tree to you for grading. Most of the programs have a free or trial version. Other options might be Ancestry, MyHeritage, FindMyPast (all have some limitations for free access) or an alternate site like Geni or WikiTree. I don't know what kinds of permissions can be created for those sites, though.
Hope this helps you to make the best choice for your students and their projects!
Thank you, Anne. I appreciate your time.