Accessing film

I have a film number of a document i really need but i cannot view the film and i do not have a family history library near me. What can i do to get the document i need?
Best Answer
Here's how to set up a consultation:
Short Answer: 'No' ...
IF, it states that the "Image" (ie. Document) is ONLY available, at a "Family History Centre" of the Church; or through an "Affiliate Library".
Are you certain that, a "Family History Centre" of the Church; or, an "Affiliate Library", is not with a reasonable distance from you.
The "Family History Centres" of the Church; or, an "Affiliate Libraries" are located throughout the World.
Have you looked in:
Find a Family History Center and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries
And, here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
What are the image restrictions in Historical Records?
Why are there access restrictions on Historical Records?
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Yes it has but I can’t view the document
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The Film has been "Digitised" if it has a "DGS" number; as, well as a Film number.
IF, the is a "Key' Icon above the "Camera" Icon under "Format".
THEN, there are "Restrictions" on accessing/viewing, which in most instances cannot be overcome.
Some such Films can only be access/viewed at the FHL in SLC; whereas, some can also be only be access/viewed at the "Family History Centres" of the Church (and, some "Affiliate" Libraries).
NOT even all "Affiliate" Libraries can get access to certain Films.
There are many reasons why access to some Films is "Restricted".
'FamilySearch' cannot "Temporarily" unrestrict access to such Films - there are too many Contractual Agreements/Arrangements; as, there are many Record "Custodians".
Now ...
That said ...
Just to put things into perspective ...
Here is a post in the 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, of 4 Months ago, by 'FamilySearch', on this matter, that anyone can access ...
Requests for access to records during temporary closings
Thank you for your inquiry and suggestion. We have had several requests in this regard as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support,
FamilySearch Support
And, here is an Image of the "Banner" at the TOP of the "Search/Records" in 'FamilySearch':
And, here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch' on the matter:
Access to restricted records during COVID-19 outbreak
We have had several requests to remove record access restrictions as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support.
I know that this does not help.
What is the Film number?
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174421 my 4x grandfather theodorus muller baptism is on that film but I cannot view it
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Please someone let us know how we can view these film images while all of the LDS libraries are closed during this COVID-19 lockdown. Are there any private researchers with access that we can hire to get the images for us? Thx.
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There used to be a way to view other Family History Centers that had the film which, if you tried contacting that FHC, perhaps a local FHC leader or Director would be so kind as to look at the film for the particular item you need and grab a camera image and email you. Also, try contacting FamilySearch Support as to how to request a digital copy of that one item directly from FamilySearch--that used to be possible and not sure if there has been any phased in opening of the FHL where the digitized film images can be accessed. I have found they are still visible at our FHC on their computers, so any FHC "might" be able to find it and grab an image, although there used to be a restriction on that for the "restricted" films. The Support team should have some ideas.
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Yes that’s what I want to know someone must have access or something.
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Also some films are restricted only to nonmembers, so a member can view at home and perhaps grab a screenshot, but if restricted to FHC's only, then the above suggestion about calling FS Support or a nearby FHC and leave a message. I tried the Film number you posted 174421 but it does not show at all in the Catalog search for ANY source.
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I did find an indexed record for a Deodorus Muller--could there be a spelling or possibly mistaken indexing extraction. Go to
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Yes I have that I was hoping to view the actual record because sometimes there is more to it in the actual archive.
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UNFORTUNATELY, you cannot.
There would be "Private" Researchers (ie. Genealogist ) that you could PAY for such.
Plus, of course, there is sometimes the likelihood that such can be viewed/accessed through the Record Holder (ie. Record "Custodian") for a FEE (ie. Payment/Subscription).
As I previously advised ...
There are many reasons why access to some Films is "Restricted".
'FamilySearch' cannot "Temporarily" unrestrict access to such Films - there are too many Contractual Agreements/Arrangements; as, there are many Record "Custodians".
Here is a post in the 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, of 4 Months ago, by 'FamilySearch', on this matter, that anyone can access ...
Requests for access to records during temporary closings
Thank you for your inquiry and suggestion. We have had several requests in this regard as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support,
FamilySearch Support
And, here is an Image of the "Banner" at the TOP of the "Search/Records" in 'FamilySearch':
And, here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch' on the matter:
Access to restricted records during COVID-19 outbreak
We have had several requests to remove record access restrictions as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support.
'Them's the breaks' ...
It is not a good situation; but, that is the way and nature of this "Commercial" society that we live in.
I know that this does not help.
As an aside ...
By the authority/approval of the Leaders of the Church, some "Family History Centre" of the Church, around the World, have re-opened.
Such authority/approval was give, subject to the local situation with regard to, both, the "COVID-19" Pandemic; and, the jurisdictional laws (and, 'on-going' "Restrictions" and "Requirements"), of some Countries and Unions around the World.
Such "Family History Centres" of the Church, that have re-opened, do so under very STRICT "Restrictions" and "Requirements"
- Limit on the Number of Persons in the Room, depending on the Size of the Room
... (eg. 1 Person per x4 Square Metres)
- Social Distancing
... (eg. 1.5 to 2 Metres apart/separation between Persons)
- a "COVID-19" Contact Tracing Register - with FULL details and contact details of Patrons
- availability of Hand Sanatiser
- availability of Face Masks (in some cases MANDATORY wearing)
- Thorough "Cleaning" (eg: Computers, Keyboards, Desks, etc), BOTH, "Before" and "After" each session just to name a few ...
As such, Staff at "Family History Centres" of the Church, that have re-opened, are very busy; and, in most cases, do not have the time for doing any research for those ring-in or e-mailing.
One option that may be available, subect to work load, is through the "Family History Library" of the Church in "Salt Lake City".
'FamilySearch' "Wiki"
Family History Library
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Family History Library is closed until further notice. Although our doors are closed, we are still available to serve you with special resources. For the latest Family History Library status updates, please refer to the FamilySearch newsroom
You might not have any success ...
You can only but try ...
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Actually, the Film number I am hoping to view is 1751589, Reference ID item 3, covering Bilsington, Kent, England and the entry I am seeking an actual view of is the 24 Aug 1575 marriage of Sylvester Welche and Harry Seevin. From what I can see that is listed, said Sylvester is a female. I suspect, however, that this Sylvester is actually the male and the groom and that "Harry" is a mis-transcription of some female name and is actually the bride. I am looking for a male Sylvester Welche, baptised on 7 September 1547, who would have been age 27 on this marriage date. He was only about 11 when his father, Robert Welche of Nonington, Kent died and names him as his eldest son of three sons in his will of 1560. Thus I am desirous of seeing the original record. Thanks for any further help you might be able to provide. - Jim Welsh
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I just now booked a 20-minute online consultation for tomorrow, so wish me luck! They likely will not be able to send me an image of what I am seeking, but perhaps they can at least view the image themselves and give me their opinion on the likelihood of an inaccurate transcription having taken place.
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Deodorus Muller is a misspelling should be theodorus ....his sisters are also on the film. The film has the film reel icon without a key. I was just hoping someone else had access and could look at the actual record for me.