How can I add contributor's name and information to my account so it shows on print-outs?
When I print a family group record in FamilSearch, the last page of the report identifies the contributor. Mine always comes up with no information in those fields, and I can not see how to set it to fill the data in.
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@Philip R Brown
Ah ... IF, you are talking about the "Print" Section on the 'right-hand-side' of the "Person/Details" page/screen; and, the "Family" and/or, "Family with Sources", options for "Family Group Sheets"; THEN, I think that I can help ...
Those have NOT been, updated; or, addressed/fixed, for some time, there are known problems/issues.
I think what you are referring to is that when you "Print" one of the "Family Group Sheets" with the "Family" (ONLY) option, you DO NOT get the "Contributor" page.
Whereas, when you "Print" one of the "Family Group Sheets" with the "Family with Sources" option, you DO get the "Contributor" page.
Is that what you are referencing?
IF, it is; THEN, there is a 'Work Around' ...
The 'Work Around' is NOT too difficult; but, you do have to do it 'right' to get it to work.
Here goes ...
Select the the "Family" (ONLY) option in the "Print" Section, as normal.
A NEW 'Tab' will open, which is a "PDF" Document ...
All well and good; but, NO "Contributor" page ...
Here is the 'Work Around' ...
In the URL on that NEW 'Tab' being the "PDF" Document:
Where the "[PID]" is the 'FamilySearch Person Identifier' (ie. PID) of the individual/person for whom you are printing the "Family Group Sheet".
Notice the LAST section is:
JUST (simply) "Change" that LAST word from "false" to "true" (nothing else); then, press "Enter", to 'Refresh' that page/screen ...
'Magic' ... the "Contributor" page, now appears; and, can be printed ...
You can even now 'Fill In' your details as the "Contributor", if you so desire ...
As an aside ...
You can even go further (with this 'Work Around'), if you desire ...
To NOT 'Show' the "Ordinances" ...
&showOrdinances=true ... change the "true' to "false"
To INCLUDE (ie.'Show') the "Sources" ...
&showSourcesPage=false ... change the "false' to "true"
OR, "Any" combination of the above, depending on what you desire ...
I hope this helps
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Thank you Brett, that is very useful to know. However my issue is not so much that the contributor page doesn't show up. Rather, when the page does show up it has no personal information in it. That is, it does not tell the reader who contributed the print out, nor how to contactthem. Is this also part of the code not having been updated for a while ?