Since the change to " new configuration" any access to the "Search" option invariably stares "Oops,
To complete my comment,one can opt "Return to Home Page",and then one can search but only from I think early 1700's to present.
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(The line you used is for the title. Your actual post is supposed to go in the big box. Yes, I know it looks like it's disabled [greyed out].)
The combined search that's on the homepage is limited in time span and requires a surname, so I don't use it. I use Search - Records, which hasn't substantially changed in years now, so I'm puzzled by your reference to a "new configuration". Can you explain your problem further?
In general, FamilySearch's web programmers are committed to supporting the current and previous versions (updates) of the four major web browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari. If your device is running an older or unsupported browser, then some things on FS may not work. So that's the first thing to check when things are consistently broken for you but not for other people (as is the case here).