How can I find this book?
I found an image of my family's lineage (Klingler). What an incredible resource in researching the Klingler family. Does anyone know where I can find this Book either to buy or download electronically?
Best Answers
I took a look at the page and then did a Find in the FS Tree for Friedrike Wilhelmine Klingler, born 1839, one of the highlighted names. The family would appear to be from Nordheim:
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile, why didn't I think of that? Armed with that placename, I did a quick search online and came up with a very likely candidate:,_OFB.
FS's Catalog says the FHC in Orange County, California has a copy. There is also a digitized one, but access is restricted due to copyright. I have no clue whether those restrictions are location-dependent or not. (In any case, it may be worth at least asking your local FHC whether it's viewable from there.)
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@Mike Klinger, it's not a Klinger family book, but a Nordheim family book.
That looks like a "place family book" for a German-speaking location, but without knowing that location, identifying the book is, ah, rather difficult.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Tag Team😎
I also checked my (wonderful local genealogy) library's catalog, but they don't show a copy in their holdings.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi repaired link for the "Ortsbuch" Nordheim, OFB – GenWiki
@Mike Klinger You might want to contact Startseite - Hessische familiengeschichtliche Vereinigung and ask if they can sell you a copy of the book. Or they might know where you can obtain a copy. The author is 2015 deceased.
The book itselfs costs 12,00 Euro (about $ 12,43) + costs for the shipment.
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Thanks you so much Lars! I have emailed them and am looking forward to their reply? I went to their site at the link you provided but could not find the Klingler Family Book there. Could you please provide me the link where you found the Klingler Family Book?