Full Name Review: Signatures and Priest names
- Should I review the names in signatures, even if the signatory name was already reviewed?
If not, should I mark them as "NOT A PERSON"?
2. I'm reviewing many christening/baptism records, and the name of the priest is always part of it but has little or no relevance for indexing purposes (at least for me), should I include them in the name review? If, how shoudl I mark it?
3. I'd like to confirm that I should NOT review the name of the same person multiple times in the same record. i.e., in a catholic baptism, the name of the christened child would appear on the record itself (usually just the given name, which I would complete with the father's surname or with the surname in the page's margin (for quick reference, usually complete name). So, I shouldn't include the name (which is in the margin) again for the same person.
PS: I've reviewed the help docs for reviewing names, and this forum, but I couldnt find a clear under for questions 1 & 2.
Hi @Carlos Rusconi Here are some answers for you.
Question 1: You should still review each name as if it was a stand-alone name, as completely as possible. Even if it was already reviewed in the document, you should record it. If you can't read it, like in the case of a signature, go ahead and 'skip it.'
Question 2: For the priest in baptism records, please still treat it like a stand alone name and review it. If you are struggling with the priest's name, click 'Match' on them and move on.
Question 3: Again, treat each name (even repeated names) as a stand alone name and review it. If there is a complete name in the margin, review it that way. If there is a given name in the paragraph as well, treat that as its own name and complete it using the parents' surnames.
Hopefully this answers your questions. Thank you for participating in Full-Name Review!