Need help with a word in a Iowa court Record. (see bold word below)
And now at this day, to wit April 22nd AD. 1874. This cause coming on for hearing, the said Plaintiff appears by its atty, James H. Feeuan Esq. and the said defendants though solemnly called came, not, and being admed from an inspection of the original notices and return there widow & children & sole herein on file that said defendants , deed legal notice of the pendency of this action it is ordered the Court that the default, of each and all of said defendants be , and the same is here of entered of record . and thereupon it appearing to the Court that said defendants Frederick Schnieder is alleged to be of unsound mind, although not posicully so declared, and that said defendants Louis Schneider, George Schneider, Mane Ann Schneider, Rosa Sophie Schneider, Henry Wm Schneider, Frank Schneider are minors, it is ordered by the Court that John Miller Esq . be and he is hereby appointed Guardian ad - & also said Fred litem to appear answer for them and afterwards upon the same day to wit: April 22 A.D. 1878 this cause coming on for further and final hearing, the said Guardian Adlite having filed his answer for said minor defendants, and the Court having examined the same together with the petition of Plaintiff herein, and as follows, to wit,
Thank you
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It looks like pidicially, but I can't find that that's a word.
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I was wondering if it could be "physically" but there were letters missing
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Looks to me like a mispelling/mispronunciation of "judicially" which would be similar to saying he/she hasn't been judged/diagnosed by a professional
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It looks like Physically to me also.