Where can I find verifiable sources linking father Thomas Hancock to son Sylvender Hancock
Trying to find verifiable sources linking father Thomas Hancock [ LZL7-1VN ] of Butler County, Ohio (1807-1887) to son Sylvender Hancock [ LZLW-9WY ] (1833-1902) After the death of Sylvender's mother Emeline Misner [ LH3J-DN1 ] he was raised by a Swanson Lunsford Griffith and his wife, Nancy Orcutt. I have researched several platforms (Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilySearch, etc.) and have some data. Need to have clear proof to pass muster with Sons of the American Revolution. Thank you.
Best Answer
You might try posting in one of the more specific groups such as Mid-West States Research where the active members may be able to suggest specific resources.
Best of luck with the search.
I know nothing about Ohio genealogy, but are you certain the son's name isn't actually Sylvester?
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As it often happens over the years names get twisted, mispronounced, and misspelled by scribes. By way of my grandfather’s own recollection his grandfather’s name was indeed Sylvender. I have searched for all variants including Sylvester, Silvender, Sylvender, and even Samuel.
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You have a death index attached to Sylvender. It's possible that his father was named on the actual death certificate. There will probably be a fee, but you could request a copy of the death certificate from the Madison County, Indiana Health Office. Here is the link to the page: https://madcohealth.org/vital-records/
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Thanks. I have a copy of the State of Indiana Death Certificate. It unfortunately raised more questions. His father, Thomas Hancock, is listed but with no birthplace. In addition his mother is listed and "Don't Know". So it raises more questions.