Searches based on upload date

I periodically search for FS Memories items based on a specific set of key words.
It really would be nice if I coudl easily find those items that were uploaded since I last did the same search.
I.e. it would be a great feature if we could limit our search to those items within a certain upload date - and have that date be a parameter in the search.
Same sort of thing could apply to so many different searches in FS.
its so easy to waste so much time reviewing a search result because we are forced to muddle through items that one has already seen since the last query.
This could be applied to
FS Memories
FT profiles
Historical Records and more does something along these lines to point out to you items youve already seen before.
Alternatively, add a column for created/modified date and let you click at the top to sort on it (and similar, as you say, for other searches in FS).
A general ability to click at the top of columns of results to sort would revolutionise searching without, as far as I can see, much effort on FS' part - other providers such as FindMyPast have this capability.
I suspect there are already submitted Ideas re these things but I will add them anyway once Ideas resurfaces.
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Great suggestions! These are ideas that would benefit many.
I'll make sure to bring these suggestions to the Engineers.
Thanks for the feedback!