Stumped with City Directory

Hi. I am trying to work on the US-City Directory 1903-1935 (Part N) (MQR7-FWL). I am new at doing these and I have several questions. How do I pause it to return to where I was working? How do I know if the row I am working on is the correct number? I have entered 93 names of 300 but can't seem to be able to go to the next page. Should I submit the batch? How do I save my work? Any assistance you could give will be appreciated.
Batches are saved periodically when you are doing a batch. You can see the last save in the upper left hand corner of your indexing screen. This will allow you to jump back in to where you left off.
For correct rows, I suggest one of two things:
Enter one at a time. I entered John's info, then will move the batch one entry to enter the next person
This is what I do. Take five names at a time, then when you have reached #5, move the ruler (Under Data Entry/Show Ruler) to the last entry in the group (this case it's John), and then move the document five names. My second five will be from Louis P Pisani to Antony Piscotto. Index those five and repeat the ruler step.Your batch will only contain one image. From the pop up box before every batch:
Say you're done. You have 93 names and a ton of blank fields and entries.
Click on the trash can icon on your toolbar.This box will come up. Select All blank entries and click Delete.
Once the blank, unused entries are deleted, you will be able to submit the batch.
Also, every field is required. If you do not have info for a field, do the following
Go to the Prefix field and Ctrl+ B to blank that field. Marking it blank kicks you to the next field, the Given Name. Go back to the Prefix field and click this button on the toolbar.This will copy the blanked out field through every entry. You'll repeat this for Spouse's Prefix and if you want, the Spouse's Given and Sur names, since not every person had a spouse.
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@ConnieJones1 please look at your email so I can speak to you and help you through this batch