Will I be able to access this item at a Familysearch Center?
I'm a bit confused about what resources I'd be able to find at my local Familysearch Center. This book/periodical says "due to copyright restrictions this book cannot be viewed online." If I went to a Familysearch Center, would I be able to view it online, on their computers? Thanks for any insight.
Best Answer
Due to copywrite restrictions, it may not be available to view online. You should have no problem reading all 38 pages at the FamilySearch Center or an affiliate library.2
I am not connected with FamilySearch
I believe the only place you would be able to view the digital copy of the book/journal would be the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City
Perhaps you may find a physical copy of the book in a library somewhere.
The post above seems to be saying that you can view the digital book if you go to a FamilySearch Center or Affiliate Library, but to my knowledge that is not correct. If @ScottSeemiller could post something to support what he has said.