Only found 185 entries on a directory that says 300. Did I miss something?
The instructions for a directory page are
Also note, each batch contains one image. Each image contains up to 300 records.
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As Áine says, that's just the default. The system doesn't magically know how many entries are on an image; it's part of your job, as an indexer, to tell it that detail. If the default is too many, the instructions for removing the extras are in the General Indexing Guidelines (under "number of entries per image").
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Sometimes there aren’t 300 on a page. Once you index all the entries, if there are excess records select the trash can icon in the tool bar. It will ask “which entries do you want to delete?”, select “all blank entries”. You’ll then be able to submit your batch.
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Much like a bag of cookies: May contain up to a certain amount of cookies.