Unable to use image viewer
For the past several weeks, I have been unable to view any images/sources on mobile using either Safari or Chrome. Prior to this, I had issues where the new indexed images that load when you open a source directly from an indexed record/search result from the main “search records” page would continue reloading until the page crashed. I was able to work around this by deleting everything that came after the ? in the url.
Now, when I try the same workaround, I get the “Something went wrong” error message. I get the same message when I try to open that record/image group directly from the catalogue. Clearing my cookies didn’t fix this.
Is there another way to access these images? Or a way to access the old image viewer?
I’ve seen comments in other threads saying that folks are having the same issue, but I haven’t come across a solution yet.
I’ve had the same issues for about a year on mobile with Safari, Chrome, and FireFox.
Today I can’t even search for a record to view because “something went wrong” on the main record search page!
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One extremely tedious workaround I’ve found since posting is to take the image group number from the catalog and then go into Search → Images and paste that # into the search function there. Then when you open the record in that Historical Images viewer, the very end of the url will be “grid=on”. I change that to “grid=off” and that at least stops the page from reloading until it crashes (most of the time).
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The programmers may be able to determine what is going on if you post the URL of a specific image you are trying to use. In addition, they need to know the exact device you are using, the operating system and version, and the versions of Safari, Chrome, or FireFox you are attempting to view the images in.
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As Gordon says, a specific URL would be good, because FamilySearch has multiple image viewers.
The Images section and the index editor use a viewer that has a side panel at the right and a filmstrip at the bottom. The URL for this viewer contains "?view=index" or "?view=explore".
Deleting that question mark and everything after it from the URL takes you to the viewer that you get to if you start from the Catalog. It has the index/information tabs at the bottom (rendered useless by excess whitespace since the disimprovement).
Which viewer you get from various links sometimes seems like it changes randomly, especially on the results page of Search - Records, but Source Linker's "View Image" link always uses the Catalog's viewer, while clicking a hint in Research Help and then clicking the image opens it using the Images section's viewer.