Indexing "—& Name" (US—City Directories, 1903–1935 [Part N])

Hi. I am working on a batch (MQRM-CPQ) that has a weird couple of lines that I'm trying to figure out how to index. The first line is self-explanatory:
Bachert Elsa D asst clk probate court r 205 Connecticut av
But then it is followed by this line:
—& Damus (Frank Damus) upholsterers 20 Pearl
Following the pattern of previous names, generally I would look for the given name on the second line, and add the surname "Bachert" as it is under that section. But this just has a '&' where the given name usually is… and then it has 'Frank Damus' where usually the given name for the spouse is?
If someone could help me figure out how to index this, that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Best Answer
Whenever you see "—" it means that the surname is repeated; ie
Smith, Anne
So, "— & Damus" is a name of a business. The business' full name is Bachert & Damus. Neither the business nor Frank Damus are indexed. Frank will have his own entry later in the directory.1