Can you please fix a REALLY messed up record

The 1900 census record for Precinct 42 Hyde Park Town Chicago city ward 32 ed 1033, Cook, Illinois. There are LOTS of "UNKNOWN" associated with this record however I didn't see any unknown in the census. Also the census record wasn't indexed in family groups. Is there any way that someone can pull this record and getr it indexed properly.
This really screwed up record is attached to Bejamin Pearce Hinman (KZSW-T51)/ This census record shouldn't look like this/
@SerraNola has been taking the lead on many of the records with issues and escalating them to engineers.
SerraNola, I wonder if this may be an artefact of the extensive issues with the 1900 census from a year or so ago.
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Are you capable of submitting a trouble ticket to get this fixed? If you were addessing this comment to me, I am the end user and cannot speak to what you are wondering. This simply needs to be corrected. If you are capabale of rforwarding this to an engineer then plase do so.
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@Diane_Johnson I tagged the mod who has been working on these problems. I'm not staff or a mod; I can't submit a trouble ticket, but I did what I could.