Gedcom on Genealogies
After you upload a gedcom into Genealogies, how do you make changes to a FamilySearch match from your uploaded gedcom? I can only see that items can be replaced from the file, but no actual changes can be made, i.e., changing a name on both files. Would you have to change it on one record and then change it on the other and reupload your Gedcom?
Best Answer
Uploaded files are static: they cannot be edited by anyone. As the uploader, you can delete the file, and independently of that, you can upload a new file, but that's the limit of the changes possible.
I know the system is set up to make the compare-and-add process look like an integral and necessary next step after the upload, but this is a completely false impression. Given its many flaws, I believe the process should be avoided entirely. In the long run, it is faster and better to edit the collaborative Family Tree one profile at a time, using copy-and-paste from a reference file as needed. This way, you'll have full visibility into exactly what's already there in the Tree and what actually needs to be added, instead of trying to solve the crossword puzzle through the keyhole, like the compare-and-add process forces you to.
Thanks. I thought that was probably true, but regardless, we (myself and a genealogist colleague) do like the way the merge feature works for individuals that may need to have information replaced with more accurate information. We appreciate that!