Possible error or duplicate identification of a german ancester
I came across a record for Johan Turbar ID # G1Y1-YQT married to Eva Rosine Totz MFN2-VMF
This included a child August Carl Gustav Turban born 1833 GWB8-9VB
I am questioning if Turbar is actually spelled Turban. It seems to be simply a mis-spelling of Turban. My grandfather was named Turban and was born in Koslin. His father was August
Robert Alvey
Per its change log, the profile for "Johañ Turbar" was created by you in December.
The index entry that you apparently based that on does not have an image available on FamilySearch. Depending on whether the place is now in Germany or Poland, it may be paywalled on Archion, or somewhere online in the bewildering array of Polish archives. (Maybe start with Geneteka? Or the FS Research Wiki.)
In either case, the important thing to keep in mind is that the index is not the data. It is merely one reading of the document that serves as a pointer to it. It is entirely possible that said reading of the handwriting is incorrect; you have to get a look at the document itself (or at least an image of it) to have any hope of determining the correct reading. (And even then, it may be impossible.)
Note, however, that the n-tilde in the index is virtually certainly not actually an n-tilde, but a scribal abbreviation mark; the name is correctly Johannes.
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Thanks. Yes, Johannes is the full first name. The Turbaj was certainly a misinterpretation of his actual last name. Robert Alvey