How do I find my biological mother's father when I cannot find any marriage record
between her mother and her biological father? I have his name, but that is all. To further complicate this situation, my grandmother supposedly remarried when my mother was small and was supposedly adopted my her step-father (and she has always gone by his last name on all census records,) again I cannot find any marriage records for that marriage (was told the church burnt down with all the records,) either. I do not have a copy of my mother's birth record, however, under a search I did find a birth abstract showing her name with his last name, date when she was born, then under "other information" the name Donald was listed and the certificate number. I am starting to believe that my grandmother was never married to my mother's father to begin with, and I'm not so sure she was actually married to the step-father either lol. I'm ready to give up on both sides of my family tree because of all the secrets there are on both sides. It's ridiculous. Any guidance that anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 🙂
When you say 'Biological' the first thing that comes to my mind is DNA testing. Not 'the' answer to every question like yours, but can't hurt either
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Thank you for the suggestion, but wouldn't that depend upon his DNA or a relative of his DNA being in the system as well? I become real nervous with DNA lol.
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If the records you are searching are for deceased persons, can you share some details? We can help better when we have something concrete to go on. For instance, the "birth abstract" you mention - can you point us to that record, if everyone mentioned is deceased?
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You note correctly that another individual [DNA relation] would also need to take a DNA test and upload their test to the same 'service' as yours.
FamilySearch has a Community Group that might be a resource you could reach out to as well….
As was suggested, good old fashioned records, might get you further along. So share what additional info is appropriate so others might be able to assist
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@Alne Ni Donnghalle
Thank you for your reply. My mother,(name removed), is alive and it's her birth abstact that I found on Here is the information that I could obtain:
Name - (name removed)
Birth Date - (date removed)
Birth Place - (place removed)
Certificate # I'm leaving blank unless you need it.
Additional Info - Donald
Collection - Ohio Birth Records (1908 - 1964)
Source - Ohio Vital Records Office
That's it. It states that an original birth certificate would have further information, and how to order one.
If you need anything further, please let me know. Thank you for your help.
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@Mark McKenzie
Thank you for the suggestions! I agree with you, I'd prefer to do this the old-fashioned way. I'm a paper trail kind of girl. I will check into the community you suggested. Thank you for your assistance.
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@Louanne Schrader Mod note: Community is a public online forum, which means anyone anywhere can see the information posted here. To protect your living mother's privacy, your post was edited to remove her personal information. Please see the Community Code of Conduct for more details.
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Thank you.