Cannot update locations page for my center

I log into Family Tree, and I click on my name and go to Center Tools. I edit the classes and the other schedule notes. I save my work. I can see that everything is correct. I hit view public page, and I am not seeing any of my changes. I thought maybe to wait a couple hours and things would update, I've now waited about 5 hours, and it still didn't update. I logged out of FamilySearch, I logged back in, I went to Center Tools again. My changes are still there, they still look great. I view the public page and my changes are not there. I hit the back button to my center tools page, and I can still see that my changes are there. I go online and look up my public page—my locations are not showing. I've obviously made the changes—I can see them when I go into my Center Tools on my account, but the public page does not show any of my changes—no classes are showing and the old outdated other schedule notes are still there. What do I do? We live in an area where we sometimes have to close the center at the last minute due to inclement weather. I need to be able to update my locations page information right away—I can't wait hours for it to show up.
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