No way to enter date by quarter, e.g Q1 Jan-Mar 1920, as used in civil registers

The registers for British and Irish civil records (and perhaps others) give dates only down to the quarter, i.e Q1 (Jan-Mar), Q2 (Apr-Jun), Q3 (Jul-Sep) and Q4 (Oct-Dec) but there's no way to enter this into the Date field for a birth/marriage/death.
Other than ordering (and paying for) a certificate there's often no way to get a more accurate date.
It would be nice if there was a way to enter this sort of date format.
You can enter date ranges such as "Apr-Jun1883". This will be standardized to "from April 1883 to June 1883". This isn't limited just to months; you can include days of the month where that is appropriate. What the system does need is at least one year. There is some help information available in the Help Centre, including this basic date entry and some shortcuts for date entry. Those help articles don't include your specific quarterly requirements, but they do work.
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Thanks, I thought I'd tried that. Probably mistyped something.
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I discussed this on
At the end I noted "I can enter "Between April yyyy And June yyyy" and it will look right even though it standardises to "From April yyyy To June yyyy". Or at least my one experiment works OK…" The pain of that is that it implies somebody was born from April to June. That's an awfully long labour…
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I haven't fiddled around with creative date entry for a while so was wondering if anything had been tweaked in the routine to recognize the term Quarter better since Adrian tested things out in August. Doesn't look like it has. Here are the various options I tried and how they standardize:
You have to take your pick between having the displayed date be exactly what you want or the linked standard being most accurate.
The displayed date appears on profile pages in the data sections and on pedigree charts.
The standardized date appears in headers, the source linker, on Find result pages, and in the auto-generated biography on the About tab.
The Find routine only looks at years.
The possible duplicate routine looks at the full date. I'm pretty sure that if someone tries to merge two duplicates for someone born in Q1, one of which was standardized to January as in the first example above and the other to March as in the third example, the warning "these two people were born three months apart" will appear during the merge.