Indexing Catholic nuns.
In this city directory, Image Name009174555_00833Batch IDMQ5B-XF4, the nuns were listed under the Surname Sister and then the given name or names. No other surnames were given. Is that how we index them or is Sister a title with only a title and given name recorded leaving the surname blank?
Best Answer
Sister is a prefix.
For Catholic Nuns, Sister is a title and the surname should be marked <blank> 😎
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So I should type Sister in the Prefix or is it a Title that should not be indexed? I should have used the term Prefix in my initial question rather than the word Title. That is what is used on the city directories I am indexing. I thought I had read in these comments somewhere that Rev should be included in the Prefix. Are Rev and Sister both indexed then as Prefixes or both not indexed at all due to the fact that they are considered Titles?
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Sorry, yes Sister is a Prefix and should be indexed 😊
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Sort of off-topic:
My favorite Sister is Sister Mary Frozen Holy Water. I first heard that in 1993 while getting stitches at the hospital (the nuns ran the hospital). I could not stop laughing. It's from my Catholic school educated mother, circa 1962.1