New Android App SourceLinker Bugs
In the new SourceLinker on the android app, the message "Document attached to ..." appears at the bottom of the screen once it's been attached. If there's only one person's record in the document, that's fine. But when there are multiple records in the document and you want to move on to attach those other records to other family members, you must click on the "Review Others" button that is on the bottom right corner of that screen. That button is covered by the "Document attached to ..." message for about 4 seconds. That might not seem like much time, but it is frustrating when you are used to bring able to immediately touch that button and move on to attach the other records.
Sometimes when I'm attaching a record to someone, the vital information on the right appears to match the information exactly on the left, even if the information on the profile doesn't actually match. For example, if the person has a death date on their profile but no death location, when attaching a source the information on the right shows a location that matches the source's location on the left (it appears as if the location has already been added to the profile even though it hasn't). This means that a change to a person's vitals/data that would have been prompted by attaching a source might not get made by a person who's attaching the source because they'll think it's already been made.
Thank you for your detailed report regarding source linker in the Android Family Tree app, version 5.0.0. The second problem you reported (event information from the record incorrectly appearing in the right-hand column) will be fixed in the next version; 5.0.1
should be available early next weekis available now (as of 19 Dec 2024).The first problem is not as critical, but will be considered.