Bad translations
Why are some of the indexed records so badly translated ??? I have done this sort of work myself and find it very annoying to see how bad the translations are . I understand not everyone speaks multiple languages , but please refrain from translation that is really very wrong. Some of the records of Belgium have these mistakes, some of the records are mainly in English with a scattering of a supposedly Flemish word. !
A child is male "mannelijk" or female " vrouwelijk", the word used in the idexing in this case is "vrouwtje" it's a word that is only used when you are talking down to someone ! (in other cases " manneke" when male)or if you are talking about an animal.
I'm guessing but I think it could be that it's not translated by a native speaker, but with the help of Google. I've also complained about the terminologie 'vrouwtje' and mannetje'. But I assume that there are not enough Dutch users to make FS change it to mannelijk of vrouwelijk.