Why are my messages that include a link being rejected?

I recently received this message after posting a request to have a record translated.
Thank you for using FamilySearch Community. We're writing to let you know that a recent image you submitted to FamilySearch has not been accepted, because it is not in accordance with one or more of the site's guidelines.
You can see the restricted item by clicking the following link: ,
I also attempted to send a message posting the link as plain text only, allowing the person to copy and paste the link. That too was rejected. I have never sent a copy of the actual image, which is a church record that contains no watermarks or other distinguishing feature that would trigger a rejection.
The Polish Group board has countless messages filled with links directing the translator to the appropriate record. I work with fellow researches who do the same thing . Those messages are not rejected. Can you please tell me why my messages continue to be rejected? Is it the particular website (metryki.genealodzy) that is the issue? I am dumb founded as to why this keeps happening.
I truly appreciate all the help your amazing translators have been able to provide and hope to continue to use this invaluable service. However, I am somewhat concerned that my privileges will be curtailed for multiple violations of the sites guidelines.
There is a bot that reviews messages, and sometimes the bot gets it wrong. I've also had it happen to me, including times when the document image was my creation and violated no part of the code of conduct.
Another action that can trigger a problem is editing a post with a link or an image too soon after posting. The Community platform sometimes just does not play well with others.
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@Catl8dy When your images were rejected by the image moderator, it sent you a private message. It can be found by clicking on the envelope icon at the top right of this page.
Click on the message to open it from the drop down menu. Once you are in the message, you can respond and ask questions. This is the best way for the moderators to be able to help you.
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@Ashlee C. According to the original poster, there was no image, only the URL.
I have never sent a copy of the actual image1 -
That's okay. The original poster can still respond to the message received. This allows the moderators to look at the specific case and help.