Functional bug: it's adding the parents as not a couple
I have no idea if this is a general thing or dependent on the particular index's setup, but I've now had it happen twice: I used Source Linker to add profiles for a person's parents, only to discover only one parent showing on tree views and in Linker, because the other one had been added as a completely-separate parent.
That is, the Family Members section's Parents and Siblings column had:
--- [mother] +ADD SPOUSE --- Children (1) [child] +ADD CHILD --- --- [father] +ADD SPOUSE --- Children (1) [child] +ADD CHILD ---
Fixing this mess takes several steps with many opportunities for errors. Can Source Linker please be fixed so that it doesn't cause such unnecessary work?
(In case it's relevant, the index entries I was using were today and last night.)
It's done it twice more. This most recent one, I paid special attention in Source Linker's "add person" panel, and it listed the spouse in the "relationships" section when adding the second parent — but it was lying. The new profile did not have a spousal relationship with anyone.
Two people (so far) have reported the same bug in the main section.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thank you for reporting this. We will investigate this issue. Thanks for your patience!