Now you see them, now you don't
Last week I was at NARA in DC, logged in through their wifi, and was playing around with the experimental full text search, while waiting for record pulls to arrive.
It turned up several land transactions in the District of Columbia in the 1870s, for "Sydney" or "Sidney" or "Griffin" Martin including one mentioning a wife I'd never heard of (Alice Martin)!
I've tried the search many times since to find the records again but it's as if they never existed. The Search doesn't turn up anything and I can't even find mention of the record set on the Wiki.
Was I able to see them because NARA is considered a Family Search site? Will I need to seek out a Family History Center to see them again?
PS: This full text search is the best thing since sliced bread, as they say!
There is a series of Land records, 1794-1886 for the District of Columbia. It has restricted access - only in an Affiliate Library or a FamilySearch Center.
Affiliate Libraries are generally public library systems with much longer open hours than most FamilySearch Centers.