Attaching Parents

In the last couple of days when I am attaching parents to a child in sources, it keeps wanting to put the mother as the father and vice versa. Any suggestions?
Best Answers
I have seen the same thing, yesterday and today. The source linker seems to have a glitch in the logic.
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I don't know if this is the same problem as you have but, today at the FSC I was attaching a birth source from the source linker. The child lined up and attaches fine but the father's name on the source matched up to the mother's PID and vise versa. When I tried to move the father's name to the proper position, the mother's name on the source side disappeared. Sorry, I do not remember the PID number, I just thought in was a one-time odd event and closed out and did not attach the source to the parents. I will pay closer attention next time.
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I had a similar problem last night. For a man who married twice, the source linker would not switch to the correct wife, no matter how I tried.
I'm seeing a few threads in the Source Linker group regarding issues with the Source Linker in the last few days.
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I'm also experiencing the same problem since yesterday night and up until now. With this came the problem that I cannot longer attach the marriage with a new spouse via the source linker. I've to enter the event manually after the spouse has been created.
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As of this morning the situation is worsening. Now even allready attached sources are no longer shown. This is the case wenn opening the Sources Tab as well where a event, like e. g. birth, is opened for editing (on the right hand side the list of attached source is shown empty). This makes work almost impossible.
Can this be escaleted to the engineers?
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I just ran into this issue. Source linker link . Just the other day I attached a christening record to the child and the mother, but for some reason not the father. Today I went in to attach the father as well, but the source-linker matches the mother with the father, and vice versa. I seem to remember that there used to be an option to drag people between positions to fix such misalignments, but I don't see that here.
Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not the only one that has had this problem. Hopefully they will get the glitch worked out. I have had to copy the parent's ID and go directly to the "View Record" and attached the parents that way. (If that makes sense.)
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I am not sure how we get in touch with the engineers, but on the left side of the screen for attaching sauces there is a "feedback" option. I clicked on it and told them what was happening. I can't imagine they don't know about this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
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@davidleelambert Yes, that is what we are all experiencing.
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The only way to fix this for me while working in the source linker with this issue, is to refresh the page. This works most of the time 😉
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I thought that this bug had been fixed now?