Naturalizations Reminders

A few reminders when indexing Naturalizations:
Every name variant must be indexed. These names include the applicant name and any names they are known as or emigrated to the US under. Sometimes, the alias names are on the same line as the application name, but sometimes they are on the DEC on the line that states, in part, under the name of.
Children of the applicant are not indexed. They are not seeking citizenship and minor, foreign-born children were granted citizenship under their father.
Unless the name is on the document, the spouses' surname is not indexed. Simple rule is this: if it is not there, it is not indexed. It is not our job to assume anything in any project.
In the Ohio project, everything related to the naturalization process is index. This includes Certificate of Arrivals and Witness Depositions. There is an example of how to index a deposition in the PI, but there is not an example of how to index a COA. With the COA, there are usually multiple dates. Using the General Indedxing Guidelines, the most recent date is indexed. The COA issue has been escalated and is currently being worked on.
In Pat I of the New York project, there is not a record place for the Petition for Naturalization. When you are indexing a Petition, mark the Record Place <BLANK> for now. Hopefully this will be fixed.
If you have questions, first look at the Project Instructions. 97% of issues can be solved that way. If you are still unsure, or want confirmation, please come here and ask. We are willing to help.
What happens when I combine those 2 forms, and the Intention has a totally different state or city in New York? Still just leave it <BLANK> on the Petition.
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For now, leave the Petition place blank. If the Petition had a record place, it would be used instead of the place on the Declaration.
Can we get the Petion Place looked at, @Ashlee C.?0 -
@erutherford Looking at the James Bartlett comment on combining forms, in the New York Project we do not combine the DEC with the PET — am I correct? They are indexed separately and require separate entries.
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There's nothing in the PI that says to combine the documents. This is why I wish the What To Remember was uniform. You combine the two in the other Nat Projects, so why are we not in the NY project?
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Image Name
Batch ID
Illinois Naturalization Record
In this example the DEI is the first image; the PET is on the second image.
Do I still combine them into one record or is that PI instruction for only when they two records appear
on the same image? THX!
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What are you talking about? I see the combining forms in 2 times in the instructions. Show me the do not combine Intentions and Petitions rule for New York.
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See the Important Details before Indexing or Reviewing the batch.
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One reason for not combining forms could be that Intentions do not always result in Petitions; another could be that the custodian of the records has directed that we index each form separately for New York.
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You will combine only if they are for the same person on the same image. With your batch, since they are on two different images, they will be two different entries for Irma.
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I didn't see that. Forgive me, since I'm in the hospital right now and haven't been getting a lot of sleep.
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Sending prayers and all well wishes your way
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Now that's dedication to the cause, replying from the hospital!
Praying for blessing for you today!
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Should I mark a record "no extractable image" for a naturalization record if there is no date to put in "record dates"?
batch link
batch code
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Records that do not have a record date are indexed.
Images 1 and 4 are not indexed as depositions are not indexed in this project.0 -
@zacharyboydcampbell1, the very first line of the project instructions is "Naturalization records that contain only a name should still be indexed", so no, I don't think lack of a date precludes indexability.
I'm pretty sure your image 1 and image 4 are affidavits of witnesses, which are not indexed in this project (as far as I can tell), so those should, in fact, be marked NED, but it's because of the type of document, not because of any missing data.
I can't tell whether image 2 is a declaration or a petition, but the question is moot: both of those are indexable. Image 3 is likewise indexable, being an Oath of Allegiance.
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thanks for the input