What is the purpose of the "Public Person" tag for individuals in the Family Tree

What is the purpose and meaning of attached a "tag" of "Public Person" for individuals in the Family Tree? What other "categories" are there?
DL Melville
There is also a "Private Person" tag for the living profiles you've entered. I supposed the tags might be related to the Family Group Trees Labs Experiment.
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There are three varieties of tags which are most clearly seen when looking at the full Recents page:
- Purple - Private Person: This is a profile that I have entered under my account which is living or confidential. Only I can see this profile.
- Green - Public Person: This is a profile which is deceased and not confidential. All users can see this profile.
- Blue - (Name of A Family Group to which I belong) - This is a profile that a member of that particular Family Group has entered which is living or confidential. Only members of that group can see the profile.
As Family Groups were and are being developed, one common complaint by people testing it out is that it can be hard to tell when working on a living profile which version of that profile you are working on. For example, there may be profiles for the same person under my account, in the family group my sister created which I belong to, and in the family group my aunt created which I also belong to. When I go to my Recents list, the tag shows me which of the three entries for that profile I see there is which.
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We probably shouldn't use the word "tag" to refer to an attribute of something that is actually called a "tag." A tag in the context of a FamilySearch memory is the connection between that memory and a person in Family Tree. This is described in the help article How do I tag memories of my ancestors or relatives in the Family Tree?
Each person tag now shows the tree that person is associated with. If you're not participating in the Family Group Trees experiment, then that will simply be "Public Person" or "Private Person." But if you are participating in FGT, then some of your tags might show that the person is in "John and Jane Doe Group" or "Walter and Sally Smith Group." That tree indicator is then particularly helpful in keeping straight which tree that person is in, and thus who will be able to see that person tag.
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"Label"? "Marker"? "Family Tree Space Indicator"? "Stamp"?
Do we need two different words for tagging an ID to a memory and for tagging a source to a profile data field?
English is such a problem.