Issue with editing records

When I attempt to edit a name the edit feature no longer works as of one day last week. No one from FS seems to have an answer other than use a different browser, which doesn't make a difference. Also there are 2 versions of FS, the old one with the index on the bottom of the doc page and a new one with the persons info on the right side, which I can't stand. The people I get on the phone apparently have the new version and edit works for them. Any idea what's going on? On the left side where you normally edit is this "Sorry, editing is not currently available. FamilySearch has been notified." Across the top is "No Collection Information found." It's as if the connection between the record page and the edit feature doesn't link. With no collection there's nothing to edit. Also if I get stuck with the new version is there a way to switch back to the old style? I'd post a screenshot but that also doesn't work. TIA!
Best Answer
For editing, no, there's no way to switch. For viewing, yes, there is a way to switch.
For example, this URL is the new viewer, with the indexed data on the right:
If you copy JUST the part before the ? and paste that into a new browser tab, you'll get the old-style, for now.
@WPhil1 If you search the Community, you'll find MANY threads on the subject. The Edit feature is seriously flawed. We THINK the engineers are aware, but we've heard nothing about a proposed fix.
Mostly, many of us have given up editing for now. If we edit, the index is lost, and the record can no longer be found in a search.1 -
Nice! How about the 2 versions of FS, is there way to pick or switch to your preferred version? I prefer the old one with the index on the bottom, it's easy to highlight the line you want and copy/paste for the file name when you download a doc.
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@WPhil1, if you mean the two versions of image viewer, it's easy to switch from new to old: delete the question mark and everything after it from the URL.
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'We THINK the engineers are aware, but we've heard nothing about a proposed fix.' @Ashlee C. would it be possible to have an update on this high impact problem please?
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We are actively working on this issue, and hope to have a solution soon. For right now, there is nothing new to report. I will get back to you when I hear something. I know this a source of frustration. Thanks for your patience.