Forum on Church accounts and Ancestry connections

I am not an LDS member, but someone is in an Ancestry Facebook group that is open to the general public, asking how youth can connect to Ancestry through FamilySearch. She is getting every answer in the book, as expected, by people who have no clue what she is asking. I told her to go to the FamilySearch forums and ask her question there, but she said no, it is an Ancestry question.
Is there a hidden [to me] forum here in FamilySearch for this topic that I can advise her about? I want to give her the name of the forum which she should have access to.
Have them go to this link for instructions on setting up an account:
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Any one can access the subscription version of Ancestry at an LDS chapel with their Laptop. See this Article.
How to use the FamilySearch Center Premium Content extension?
Article Id: 13319
November 14, 2023
The browser extension allows users at FamilySearch centers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to access premium websites. Access includes many subscription genealogical sites. This browser feature is available in all church buildings, even those without a FamilySearch Center, on any computer connected to the Liahona WiFi network.
To add and use the browser extension on a computer at any FamilySearch center, or church building with the Liahona Wifi Network, do the following:
In the Chrome Browser:
- Open the Chrome browser.
- Install the FamilySearch Center Premium Content browser extension from the Web Store.
- Note: If the link doesn't open the browser extension page, search "familysearch center premium content" in the Search the store field.
- In the upper right corner of the web store page, click the Add to Chrome button.
- On the Add FamilySearch Center Premium Content screen, click Add extension.
- Next to the search bar, click the puzzle icon, named Extensions.
- To pin it to the search bar, click the Pin icon next to FamilySearch Center Premium Content.
- To enable the extension, click the gray circle icon. Find the icon next to FamilySearch Center Premium Content.
- You see a green circle icon when the computer is connected to the proxy. Otherwise you see a gray icon.
- Navigate to the portal site at:
- On the portal site, under Premium Family History Websites, click View All Sites. If you see a list of sites on the next page, the extension is working.
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@Quint Hurst Thank you for your information, but that was not what this lady was asking. She was asking about LDS youth connecting their trees in Ancestry church accounts to FamilySearch through the FS church accounts. Specifically she wanted to know what Ancestry's "youth" age was to do this. So that is a private LDS concern and not appropriate for an Ancestry public forum. She eventually told people she "got her answer" and, as predicted, she did not respond to anyone who wanted to know what the answer was.
The process you describe is different, and certainly one I have done, but it won't let me connect my Ancestry information to FamilySearch. Don't I wish!