Problem of FS allowing Trees to be loaded/ transferred directly into FS
It seems that there may be more than one way to export Trees into FSFT (i.e. FS’s main “one world” tree).
However, I have currently been looking at the method of uploading a Gedcom file into FS Genealogy and then copying profiles from there into FSFT and in order to better understand this process, I have conducted my own test.
I first uploaded a Gedcom file of a very small tree of only 19 connected people into FS Geneologies.
Once uploaded, FS Geneologies provides you with an option to compare these profiles to what is already in FSFT
If you do click on “Compare,” FS Genealogies then presents you with a dashboard, displaying the results of its comparison. There is a summary of the comparison, which, in my test case is as follows:
All individuals 19
Potential Matches 0
Add to Family Tree 8
Already in Family Tree 8
Invalid & Living 3
I can then click on each of the above categories to view a list of all the profiles that make up the total of that specific category.
I do have 3 living people in my tree, so that result makes sense.
But here is the big problem!
All 8 profiles that FS Genealogy says that I may add to FSFT are already in FSFT! Not only that but all 8 of these profiles are exactly the same in all respects in the Gedcom file uploaded and in FSFT. Yet as you will see above, FSFT did not even pick up one of them as Potential Matches, instead reporting zero of these.
So, if I was an inexperienced user what would I do? I would be so excited that I can add these people to FSFT and I would then merrily proceed to add all 8 and so create 8 more duplicates in FSFT without being any the wiser!
My biggest worry is that in this test FS Genealogy failed to find 50% of the profiles that it should have found in FSFT and did not even pick them up as a potential match!!
Imagine the chaos this causes if someone loads a reasonably sized Gedcom file and then does a comparison with the intention of adding all the profiles that FS Genealogy encourages them to add, which, based on my test, could be almost 50% of the profiles in Gedcom file that they uploaded!!!
It really makes me want to give up on FSFT right here and now!!!!
Best Answer
As already mentioned, the problems attached to uploading GEDCOMs to Family Tree have been the subject of discussion for many years. Whilst they have been acknowledged, a previous response from a FamilySearch employee explains why FamilySearch continues to allow this to happen. A statistical analysis was carried out that showed, when it came to creating duplicates, GEDCOM was lower down on the list of problem factors than other items.
Indeed, it has to be acknowledged that the amount of duplicates created when FamilySearch transferred profiles from earlier programs to Family Tree (around 2012) far, far exceeded the number of duplicates that have been created by adding GEDCOMs. My big problem is certainly with merging all those profiles / IDs, as I rarely find myself having to merge GEDCOM-related IDs.
In fact, I have always seen the "duplicate" issue as being far less a problem than that of careless users merging IDs that relate to totally different individuals. Separating conflated profiles (especially where a whole family branch is involved) is far more problematic than finding a handful of truly duplicate IDs, which usually take little effort to merge.
This issue has been discussed often and vigorously. The Compare process for uploading a GEDCOM has serious issues. You will see regular posts on the subject, and some of the discussions can get rather heated. For example:
Don't give up on FS; just don't upload a GEDCOM and counsel anyone and everyone to refrain from uploading a GEDCOM.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile
Thank you very much for your response. I can fully understand why discussions about this matter can become very heated!
The big problem is that there are so many FS users out there and we have no idea who most of them are never mind who is going to get a bee in their bonnet and decide to upload a Gedcom file next. So there is no way to know who they are and to be able to stop them before they do it.
It is only once it is already done that we pick it up and that’s too late!
Sadly, l think that FS are fully aware of the problems that these uploads can cause but they have decided that it is better for FS in the long run to allow them than to block them.
So we suffer the consequences!
Although this makes me really mad, I don’t think that I will be able to give up on FS just yet.
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Thank you for this response.
It is certainly very well thought out and written, with a cool mind and without any unnecessary emotion that this matter usually causes.
And, if what you say is true, then it certainly does put this whole matter into proper perspective.
Indeed, I have come across many conflated profiles and in addition I am amazed at the number of duplicate profiles that I am still coming across in 2024 that date back to before 2012!