delete person who never existed from tree

Please delete this person from my tree: G9ZY-B9C
They clearly do not exist.
Sorry to trouble you and,
Thank you :)
I cannot find a person with that ID. Is he/she marked "living"?
Apart from that, you can remove any person by using the "pencil" (=edit) on the right hand of the entry.
Furthermore, there is no "my tree". FS is a fully open edit global tree.
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Well, first, as Lars says: if you think you have your own, individual tree, then you're on the wrong website. The Family Tree on FamilySearch is a single, collaborative tree, with the (lofty and distant) goal of having one and only one profile per deceased person.
Another feature of the Tree here is that it is open-edit: anyone can edit nearly anything, after signing in. A corollary of this is that FamilySearch does not employ anyone to edit the public parts of the tree. They leave that to us users. (There are ways to ask for help or intervention from staff, but the bar is usually set pretty high.)
One exception to the publicly-editable nature of the tree is that users all have a private space, where all profiles that are marked "living" go. Only the user who created such a profile can see it under normal circumstances. (Helpers and staff members can sometimes access it, with the user's permission.)
The profile ID you gave comes up as "not found" for both Lars and me, so I suspect it is in your private space, meaning that you created it, and only you can delete it. You can do so by going to the profile's Details page and scrolling down to the Tools box in the right-hand column. The trashcan button is second from the bottom in that box.
Going forward, keep in mind that in a shared tree like this, deletion is almost never the right answer, and is seldom available: you can only delete profiles to which you are the sole contributor. This means, among other things, that even if the profile you posted about weren't in your private space, nobody besides you would be able to delete it.
In my experience, profiles for nonexistent people are based on an error about a person who did exist. For example, if "Max" was misindexed as "May", a helpful soul may come along and create a profile for May. To fix it, you'd change the sex of the "May" profile to male, and then merge it into Max.
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Did you type the ID manually instead of copying/pasting? If so, you may have typed it wrong. If not, Julia's instructions are the best way to go.
(Actually, I suppose they could potentially be in your private space and the ID is wrong... if that's the case, Julia's instructions are still the way to go.)