Indexed name does not match name on source linker
When I look at that record in the source linker, I see M I Barker.
In the metadata for the record, I see M I Barker.
On the image for the record, I see M I Barker.
Nowhere do I see S A Barker. So I'm having a hard time seeing a problem here.
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Mrs. M I Barker, the signatory, is apparently Susan Ann Barker, née Coffey.
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Her name appears twice on the document, and in both instances, it clearly reads "M. I. Barker".
The problem is not that the index or source linker is wrong, the problem is that it is attached to the wrong family. It's been connected to the Blewetts, not the Barkers:
Mable Blewett married a Barker later, but she would not have been a Barker at the time of the record.