Name Review provides names not in document

I find that, sometimes, an ENTIRE set of 20 names is completely OUT of SYNC with the input/confirmation boxes. It appears that the input/confirmation/correction boxes are linked to either a previous document or a later review document. It is very discouraging when the ENTIRE set of 20 names is processed as "Not a Person".
I feel mental turmoil to know that 1) I have wasted my time trying to correct/confirm the suggested names of an ENTIRE 20 set of name (all of them "Not a Person") and 2) the person who is searching for ancestors in also wasting his/her time only to discover that NONE of the document contains that eagerly-sought data when it reality it very could be that long-sought nugget of information.
Is it feasible to suggest that an input box be added to warn the team responsible for SYNC-ing the input/correction boxes with the review document that too much non-SYNC is occurring? Thanks.
I refer to the out-of-SYNC errors in the "Name Review" function (located under Get Involved/ My Opportunities/Name Review) which invites speakers of Spanish or Portuguese to review photographs of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, etc in the language of the several Latin-American countries. I served in Guatemala (and several other Latin-American countries) and was really thrilled to be able to use first hand experience of places, writing and language styles, Mayan names, etc.)