The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterdaySaints Church Census (Worldwide) Collecion

Does anyone know the answer to this question:
When using SEARCH (Historical Records) for the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints Church Census Records (Worldwide) 1914=1960 Collection, does the system only display "hits" for census records of 1940 or before? It appears to me that records of 1950, 1955, 1960 are not displayed in search results for this Collection of Records.
DL Melville
I just did a test search, and 1950 and 1955 details were returned. For example:
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Thanks for responding to my question. I appreciate your efforts.
my specific example is with the profile for William Daniel Dutson, KWZD-PJ2
He has sources records attached for the LDS census in 1955 and 1960 But when I do an "independant" search (using the SEARCH menu and Historical Records limiting the search to the LDS Census Collection) I cannot find the same census records that are attached to him as a source with his wife Faun Miller. From this, I drew the conclusion that perhaps the search algorithm has a filter or "governor" that limits displaying records after some date (maybe 1940 for example). The example you gave doesn't confirm my theory so I am hoping for something more definitive.
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The 1950, 1955, and 1960 LDS census entries that are attached to William Daniel Dutson are all from film 8624334, and Search - Records seems to have gone blind to the existence of any index entries from that film ( The same thing applies to the previous and following films (about midway down on page 5 of the catalog entry:
The record for Edna M. Smith that Áine found, on the other hand, is from film 8619175, which is on page 1 of the catalog entry, labeled 1914-1935. I haven't a clue how 1950 and 1955 census records got indexed from a film that's supposed to cover 1914 to 1935, but there are about two dozen such entries (
So it seems to me that @melville,dl's hypothesis is actually correct: the later records are being restricted/removed. However, it's being done at the whole-film level, likely based on the cataloging data, so the database still has 1950s records that are associated with earlier films.
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I have run into this with my own records. I was born in 1948 and appear in the 1950 and 1955 church census records and have attached them as sources to my personal file on FS. They were sent to me as hints by FS and I attached them to myself and my parents. However, when I attempt to search for these, as described by @melville,dl , I come up with a blank search. I've contacted the Help Desk folks several months ago and they supposedly opened a "ticket" but have heard nothing back from them since.