Where do I find my clipboard

I found a record on a hint that I want to put into their memories . I copied it to my clipboard but I do not know where to find my clipboard to transfer it. Can you help me?
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The easiest way to add a hint to an individual is to attach it as a source via source linker. When you look at the record, there should be a blue Attach button. Source linker will then allow you to link the record to all the people mentioned, e.g. child plus parents in a baptism record.
If you are a Windows user, you should be able to access your clipboard via right click, the paste or using Ctrl+V.
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Clipboard is a computer app, not related to the FamilySearch website. In any program (and many websites) you can paste from the clipboard into a text box or word processing document as Graham Buckell noted above, either click the right-hand mouse button and choose Paste from the menu or push both the CTRL & the V buttons at the same time.
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CTRL-C - copy to the clipboard
CTRL-V paste from the clipboard
the clipboard is simply a "behind the scenes" memory location where things are held in memory when you copy and paste from one location to another.
In FamilySearch one of the most common usages is when you copy a PID of a given profile to the Clipboard and then paste it - in another place later - and in so doing you never really have to know or see the clipboard at all - it just magically works - you dont need to go looking for it or even SEE it . . . simply press CTRL_V in the field where you want to populate the field with the information from the clipboard - and it magically appears.
for some more detail - maybe more than you really need to know see below-