multiple husbands
Check which couple you have set as Preferred in the Person Page view.
I just verified by checking my 3rd GGF who married 3 times. I descend from the 3rd marriage and have that set as preferred in the Person view. I changed Preferred to the other two wives/families and each time the Preferred couple sorted to the top in Descendancy view.
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The ordering is not necessarily the result of anything you did, I think. I can't quite figure out what ordering the descendancy chart uses for spouses; it's not chronological like it is in the Family Members section of the Details page. (There it's chronological by first entered marriage event, and I think alphabetical if no events have been entered?)
Hmm: maybe it's preferred spouse first, then chronological? That's what it seems to be doing with my ancestor with three husbands.
- If I set her first husband as preferred, then he's first, 2nd husband is 2nd, and 3rd husband (my actual ancestor) is 3rd.
- If I set her 2nd (later annulled) marriage as preferred, then he's first, 1st husband is 2nd, and 3rd husband is 3rd.
- If I set the third husband as preferred (my usual setting), then 3rd is 1st, 1st is 2nd, and 2nd is 3rd.
So maybe it _was_ something you did: did you set the 3rd husband as preferred? On the other chart views (which can only show one spouse at a time), this will result in him being shown instead of either of the other two, which is what you'd want if you were working on his line. Apparently, on the descendancy chart, it has the effect of putting him first, which is kind of odd, but maybe it's tradition to put one's focus first in that type of chart?
In any case, you should be able to get the descendancy chart to display the spouses chronologically by setting the first spouse as preferred. (Go to the wife's Details page, scroll down to Family Members, click the "Set Preferred" button, choose the first name on the list, and click Save.)