How do I give feedback

How do I give feedback when I click on "Feedback" and get this message "An error has prevented the requested action. Please visit the FamilySearch Community for help or to report an issue."? My feedback or suggestion is to include ordinance update when I have an ancestor's "following" selected. Thank you.
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@David K B The best way to give feedback is here in FamilySearch Community. When that little feedback button does work, I've found that it really doesn't provide a way to really explain or request anything.
Since your suggestion here has no connection to the original post or topic, it is more likely to be seen and get to the correct people if you start a new post specifically for your suggestion. Go to the Suggest An Idea section: as you must have done to post here and click on the blue New Idea button:
Including the suggestions in the yellow box is really helpful for the developers to understand exactly what you hope to be added and why it would be beneficial.
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@David K B Since your question/suggestion pertains to a Temple matter, you might also consider posting in the Temple section, reserved for LDS Church members when logged in with their Church account.
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Thanks. I did post in the Suggest a new idea. See what happens.