Sourcing German Church Records
What do you mean by "I have"? On paper? Downloaded? Found online?
The catalog says that some of the Lutheran church registers from Hille, Westphalia, Prussia have index entries associated with their films, i.e. you should be able to find the entries by searching for them by name, but this is of course dependent on the indexers having read and typed things correctly.
But whether they're in the indexed records database or not, you can cite the church records as your source. FamilySearch allows you to create sources based on any webpage or uploaded file ("Memory"), or neither of the above (such as a book). The only required part of a source is the title.
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I have image files of the Hille Kirchebuch from 1815 to 1873.
As you point out, FamilySearch has the Hille church records in their catalog. Except for christenings from 1903 to 1925, these records are locked (to non church members?). They are apparently not indexed (or may be indexed, but are locked), because when I do a search for an individual that I know to be in the records, nothing is returned.
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The magnifying glass indicates that some of the records on a digitized film have been indexed to be searchable. Some may not be searchable for reasons of privacy or because the project has not been completed.